
My name is Miguel Rodrìguez, I am 17 years old, my family is composed by my father Carlos, my mother Jenny and my sister Paulina. My hobbies are mainly practicing sports such as tennis, soccer, climbing and almost all kinds of sports, I also practice mountaineering since I really like going out to the mountains, and I like to make friends. My interests are aviation, commerce, politics, and especially the world of mountaineering and climbing, but always with the present thought of helping the people around me. My strengths are the commitment, the effort and the dedication that I have to fulfill the things that I propose and that I like, and my weaknesses are the insecurity in certain occasions and the lack of interests in things that are not so relevant for me. In the future I would like to finish my career and pursue the goals that I set myself.
Learning English in actuality is a new opportunity to connect with everyone because it is the global language that opens new opportunities for work, study, etc. This is why learning and mastering this language is very important.

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